Kamis, 28 Februari 2013

Materi Kuliah Produksi Ternak Unggas III: industri pakan ternak di Indonesia


Industri pakan ternak di Indonesia
By Y.L Henuk and Made Sudarma
Journal review
Thursday, 28 February 2013
By ICRA Indonesia Research, December 2012
·      Animal  feed  industry  in  Indonesia  is  still  attractive  as  the  level  of  per capita consumption of chicken and eggs is still very low
·      More  than  90%  of  animal  feed  consumption  is  attributable  to  poultry industry
·      Fluctuation  in  the  US  dollar’s  (USD)  exchange  rates  against  the Indonesian   rupiah   (IDR)   could   have   a   significant   bearing   on   the performance of animal feed industry
·      Integrated companies with a large scale of business will be more efficient and thus have a better credit profile against the non-integrated and small players
·      Scale  of  production  will  also  play  a  key  role  to  determine  the  market position, another important competitive factor in the industry
·      Other key success factors for the industry include diversification in terms of   suppliers,   locations,   markets,   and   customers,   and   operating management to control cost and expenditures

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